Business Name and Owners Name | Insured | Licensed | Qualifications | Website Address/ Contact Number |
More Paws Pet Services Lucy Spencer RVN | Yes | Yes 5 Star 4991 | - Qualified Registered Veterinary Nurse - Advanced level Apprenticeship in Veterinary Nursing (small animals) - L3 Extended Diploma in Animal Management - L3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (small animals) | |
Aunt Sals Dog Boarding Sally Boyington | Yes | Yes 4 Star 22/00520/ANHOME | - Pet First Aid - DBS | Email: 07795 486 411 |
Star Paws & Claws Jennifer Lowe | Yes | Yes 5 Star 007 | Email: 07757 850 057 | |
Pawsome Pet Services Faye White | Yes | Yes 5 Star 002 | 07757 850 057 | |
Barking Mad Donna Cotton | Yes | Yes 3 Star 027 | Email: | |
Muddy Paws Walks & Home Boarding Linda Faulkner | Yes | Yes 5 Star 028 | Email: 07875 435 587 | |
Ashfield Pet Services Andrew Woodhouse | Yes | Yes 5 Star 036 | Website: 07397 554 676 | |
Precision k9 Eleanor Bagnall-Short | Yes | Yes 5 Star 038 | Email: 07873 083 164 | |
A Dogs Life Home Boarding Ruth Boltons | Yes | Yes 5 Star 004 | Email: 07508 104 847 |
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