Business Name and Owners Name | Insured | Services | Qualifications | Website Address/ Contact Number |
Healy's Hounds Lottie Healy | Yes | - 121 Training Sessions | - L3 Award in Dog Training - Canine Health & First Aid - Dog Psychology, Behaviour & Training - DBS | Facebook: Healy's Hounds | New Romney | Facebook Email: 01797 219 221 07940 801 007 |
CIP Puppy & Young Dog Training Gail Seymour | Yes | - Puppy Classes - Teen Classes - Dog Classes - 121 Training - Workshops | - IMDT Assessment - Certified Dog Trainer - Scentwork Certified Specialist - Certified Reactivity Specialist | Email: 07887 571 780 |
ABC for Dogs Adrian Kollnberger | Yes | - Puppy Training Classes - Dog Training Classes - Dog Behaviour - 121 Training - Online Dog Training - Dog & Puppy Training Walks - Dog Scent Work Training | - Degree in Canine Behaviour & Training - Animal First Aid Course - Essential Skills in Basic Dog Training - L1 Common Canine Behaviour Problems - Advanced Common Canine Behaviour Problems - Understanding Dog Aggression - Dog Training Instructors Certificate - Essential Skills in Puppy Training - Advanced Dog on Dog Aggression - Advanced Dog on Person Aggression |
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